Case study of Agile methodology to a software development project

Case Study: Building a Mobile App

A team of developers is tasked with building a new mobile app for a food delivery service. They decide to use the Scrum framework, one of the most popular Agile methodologies.

Sprint Planning

The team holds a sprint planning meeting to determine what work needs to be done in the first sprint. They create a prioritized backlog of user stories, which are short descriptions of the features the app needs to have.


The team works on the backlog items during the sprint, which lasts two weeks. Each day, they hold a stand-up meeting to discuss progress and any obstacles they’re facing. They also use a physical or digital board to track their progress, which is visible to everyone on the team.

Sprint Review

At the end of the sprint, the team holds a sprint review meeting with stakeholders, including the product owner and any other interested parties. They demonstrate the new features they’ve built and gather feedback. The product owner prioritizes the backlog based on this feedback and sets goals for the next sprint.

Sprint Retrospective

The team holds a sprint retrospective meeting to reflect on what went well and what could be improved in the next sprint. They discuss any issues that arose during the sprint and identify ways to improve communication, collaboration, and productivity.


The team then repeats this process for subsequent sprints, with each sprint building on the work from the previous one. They continue to prioritize the backlog based on customer feedback, delivering new features and improvements with each iteration.

Agile methodology emphasizes frequent communication, collaboration, and rapid feedback to ensure that the team is building what the customer wants and needs. It also prioritizes flexibility and adaptability, allowing the team to adjust to changing requirements or unforeseen challenges as they arise.


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